Tuesday 19 May 2015


Someone who knew me before this, they will be surprised with my decision to join Reserve Officer Training Unit (Rotu) or more familiar with name Palapes. This also includes my own family. I've considered as a spoiled person and can not live independently. But now I prove to them that they are wrong presumption, and now I was commissioned as a Young Officer.

**Moment with others members of Palapes

**With my parents on Commisioned Day


Everyone have their own dream. Same goes to me. When I see the development of the animation today makes me more eager to venture and explore the world of animation.

My mission as individually, I want to start my career as an art director. I want to create an animation using my own design. I'll create the animation using the identity of Malaysia to promote Malaysia to the world because I believe that people will attract with Malaysian cultured.

In the context of citizen, I hope that Malaysians can accept animation that animated by Malaysians. Afterwards, Malaysia can develop the animation industry like we love to see animation from oversea like Disney.

Sunday 19 April 2015

This is the some of my design from sem 1 until now. Consists of posters, character, hand-painted, image editing, games design and so on. Software that I used was Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Gimp.

1) Character Design

2) Poster Design

3) Design For Trizzle Game

4) Drawing

6) Design Book

Saturday 18 April 2015

Project 05 // ROBOT DESIGN

--The development of 3d object (robot) in Second Life. This robot made by combining basic shape.


--This peguin 3d model is made by using 3ds max software.


It was my second 2d animation using Adobe Illustrator , Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere.


This animation was made using animation traditional method that is draw one by one scene. Software that I used is Adobe Photoshop and Sony Vegas.

Project 01 //  VIDEO CLIP

This video clip is a cover song, title Sahabat that is sing by a Indie Band from Sabah namely Butang Band.

Sunday 22 February 2015

something about me

Hello & assalamualaikum everyone,

My name is Noor Aishah Wani Bt Mohamad and you can call me Wani. Right now I'm studying at Sultan Idris Education in course of Design (Animation). Why animation? Because i love watching cartoon since  i was kid. I always think how people can make something that not exist.